Ceramic Wonders Wallpaper

Ceramic Wonders Wallpaper
Ceramic Wonders Wallpaper, shelves stacked full with antique treasures, Ceramic Wonders pays homage to the skill of ancient potters. Breathe in the scents of the Silk Road with pieces of porcelain bedecked in Eastern promise and mystique, and admire the individual beauty and craft behind each vessel. From far away landscapes to prowling animals and exotic florals, each object on display is covered in narrative, telling its story in the swish and flick of a paintbrush. Available in a light or dark tone, the pattern is backed with an indigo and white floral traditional to ceramics, enhancing the wallpaper’s three-dimensional effect and allowing jars and pots of all shapes and sizes to at once blend into the background, and stand proud. The design is printed over 3 panels.
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