Phillip Jeffries Mod Metallics Wallcovering 25202

Phillip Jeffries Mod Metallics Wallcovering 25202
SKU: 25202
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SKU: 25202
Phillip Jeffries Mod Metallics Wallcovering 25202, to craft this architectural and layered wallcovering, artisans use authentic metallic leaf placed in a grand geometric motif. Our unique and sophisticated specialty wallcoverings include luxurious artisanal details. Available in four modern colours we recommend you using our free wallpaper sample service to appreciate the true beauty of the Phillip Jeffries Mod Metallics Wallcoverings.
Choose your option:
1. We recommend a clear, pre-mixed vinyl adhesive. 2. Apply the paste to theback of the paper, which will become flexible and easy to hang. Allow the paste to become tacky prior to hanging (exact time will vary based on temperature, humidity, etc.) 3. Do not add excessive water to the paste asit may cause the backing paper to pull away from the front. 4. It is important to keep the face of the wallcovering free of adhesive and water.
Bolt Size
11FT Panel
Building & Material Conditions
The building must be weather-tight with HVAC settings(including pressure, temperature and relative humidity)the same asthose ofan occupied building for threedaysprior to, throughout installation and three days after installation. The walls must be structurally sound including elimination ofsources of moistureaccumulation into the wall or wall cavity. The wallcovering mustbe in a clean and dry condition and must be stored at normal occupied building temperature and humidity for at least three days prior to installation. All adhesives and primers must be new, good quality, commercial grade materials, which have not been contaminated.
CFA Availability
Not Available
Cut Availability
Fire Rating
ASTM E84 Class A
Horizontal Repeat
136 in (345.4 cm)
Wipe Gently
Minimum Order
2 panels
Order Increments
2 panels
Panel Sequence
1. Mod Metallics creates the effect of a straight match. 2. We recommend laying out the panels prior to installation and reviewing with the designer to see which panel placement works best, based on the shading of the natural grounds. 3. Begin by establishing a vertical plumb line before hanging the first panel.
Pattern Placement on Wall
1. Oncepattern placementis determined, trim the height of thepattern to fit the wall. We recommend consulting with theInterior Designer for design placement of the pattern asit is optional to trim the top or bottom of the pattern.
Before you cut and hang, please be sure you have: 1. The correct wallcovering and the correct amount of wallcovering to finish the job. 2. Inspect the wallcovering carefully to ensureit isfreeofdefects. Pleasenote that the Manila Hemp and Jute wallcoveringsarehandmadeproductsand woven of natural fibersthat featuresubtle variationsin color and texture. These are characteristics of natural textured wallcoverings and should not be considered defects. If no defectis evidentbefore installation, the material should beinspected after three (3)stripsare installed. If anydefect is evidentat thistime (orat anypoint in the installation) no additional material should behunguntil Phillip Jeffriesis notified. NO CLAIMS WILLBE ALLOWED FOR MORE THAN (3) STRIPS ON THE WALL. All claims mustbe madewithin 30daysoftheinvoicedate. Nolabor claimswill be allowed at any time.
Level III, Panels Beautifully
1. Use a soft brush or cloth when hanging,so that you do not damage the face of the wallcovering. 2. Take special care around electrical outlets. 3. DO NOT allow paste or excessive water to stain the front of the wallcovering. Both paste and excessive water will change the color of theprinted design and the wallcovering’s natural textureon the faceof the paper. 4. Gently smooth the wallcoveringusing a soft brush. Do not use a seam roller. 5. It’simportant to note that subtle shading differences between strips tend to soften over time asthe natural textured wallcoverings begin to oxidize. 6. Once wallcovering panels are trimmed, we recommend lining them up on your work table in sequence for easy installation. 7. Consider if ceilingislevel and adjust as needed. 8. As each order of Mod Metallicsis handcrafted, there maybea slight variancein texture and color. This is part of the inherent beauty of handcrafted wallcoverings. 9. To maintain theintegrityof theauthentic metallic leaf, this collection hasbeen treated with a special coating which will cause the textured ground to appear darker than an untreated ground.
1. The edges are un-trimmed and will require cuttinga precision edgeon your worktable. 2. The trimmed width is 34” (86.3 cm.) 3. Trim edges with a VERY sharp razorblade. Changeyour blades often. 4. SeePanel Placement & Panel Sequence sections prior to trimming.
Vertical Repeat
132 in (335.3 cm)
Wall Preparation
1. The wallstobe covered must be properlypreparedto ensure that the wallpaper will adhere to the wallsurface. Even the strongest adhesive can only work when the wall surface is cleanand properly prepared. 2. Phillip Jeffries recommends that installers use a hard, acrylic, pigmented, wall-protecting primer that is SPECIFICALLY made for WALLCOVERING INSTALLATION and WALL PROTECTION. DO NOT USE R-35. 3. Allow the primer to dry thoroughlybefore hanging.
Trims to 34 in (86.4 cm)
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