Vescom Ketoy Wallcovering 1080.18

Vescom Ketoy Wallcovering 1080.18

SKU: 1080.18
£29.55 Per Linear Metre
In Stock
SKU: 1080.18

Vescom Ketoy Wallcovering 1080.18 are characterised by a horizontal structure with a silk-like panel effect and a metallic sheen. The material displays a combination of texture and print design. Despite the horizontal structure, the design has a subtle join that makes the most uniform wall placement possible. Ketoy which is available in 23 colours comes in a colour palette that includes soft naturals as well as dark tones: ranging from off-white to lavender and from ice blue to cinnamon and misty grey. These properties make Ketoy a stylish wall solution.

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Adhesive V2000
collection wallcovering vinyl
composition vinyl finishing coat on a woven cotton backing
description fine, organic rib with a subtle sheen
flame retardancy EN 13501, B s2 d0 ASTM E84, A
sound absorption ISO 354, alphaw 0.10
water vapor permeability ISO 15106-3 / EN ISO 12572 Sd value ± 9 m
weight ± 440 gr/m², ± 18 oz/yd¹
width ± 130 cm, ± 51 inches


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